POL Hybrid Pullets

At Craigievern we have a great variety of point of lay hybrid pullets available all year round. We have day old chicks arriving most months which gives us various ages available at any one time. We sell at all ages suiting every budget. Every batch is different but we usually have a good mix to choose from. We like to get our birds outside around 6/7 weeks old so they are healthier and accustomed to the Scottish climate. All birds are vaccinated prior being a day old.

We can supply:

  • Rhode Rock

    Rhode Island Red x Barred Rock. Hardy breed with beautiful gold/orange neck/breast feathers. Green sheen to black feathers too. Brown eggs. Approx 310 on first year laying.

  • Bluebell

    Rhode Island Red x Cuckoo Maran. Larger of the hybrids, coming in a range of grey’s. Very placid breed. Brown eggs. Laying approx. 260 eggs in first year.

  • Copper Maran

    Copper Black x Rhode Island Red. Often confused with the Rhode Rock! Has a beautiful copper neck, black feathers and dark legs. Lays a slightly darker brown egg. Lay 240 - 260 eggs in first year.

  • Speckledy

    Barred Plymouth Rock x Rhode Island Red. Striking grey with white flecks. (It almost looks striped!) Brown eggs. 325 eggs were produced in the first year.

  • Coucou Maran

    Cuckoo x Rhode Island Red. Beautiful grey speckled bird with lighter neck feathers. Slightly darker brown eggs. 240 - 260 eggs in first year.

  • White Leghorn

    Smaller breed with beautiful fantail. Scatty temperament but prolific layers. These are the best laying bird about! White egg. Approx 340 eggs in the first year.

  • Blacktail

    Rhode Island Red x. Hardy brown bird with black tail feathers. Brown egg. 280 - 300 eggs in the first year.

  • Silver Sussex

    Jet black with white breast markings. Placid temperament. Brown egg. 310 eggs in the first year of laying

  • Isa Brown

    An all-brown bird which is a very docile breed. Brown egg. 310 - 320 eggs in the first year.

  • Sussex

    Large Light Sussex x Rhode Island Red. White in colour with striking black, wing and tail tips. Large bird laying a light brown egg. 235-250 in first year.

  • Emerald

    Aracauna X. Smaller breed, which is white with grey flecks. Some have tufts on their heads and sides of their face. Blue eggs. 260-280 eggs in the first year.