Ducks and Geese

At Craigievern we usually have 3 types of ducks available. We also have Khaki Campbell eggs and Indian Runner hatching eggs available as long as the ducks are laying.

For Geese (pictured right) it’s not quite as easy to source goslings due to Avian Bird Flu.  We try to source 1 batch May/June time which can be Norfolk or Embdens.  We do occasionally have fully grown geese & ganders available.


  • Kortlang Khaki  Campbell (Brown)

    Kortlang Khaki Campbell (Brown)

    A good laying duck - laying approx. 320 eggs per year. You can expect two good laying seasons before they tail off. Lay a White egg.

  • White Indian Runners

    Quite a nervous duck - the clue is in the name! Lay a large green/blue egg. You can expect 150- 200 eggs per year.

  • Kortlang Whites

    Kortlang Whites

    An Aylesbury x Pekin, so quite a large duck. Laying approx. 310 eggs per year. A larger duck = slightly more feeding than your Khaki’s, but a slightly calmer duck also lays a larger white egg.